Friday, October 8, 2010

Catch the...AIDS???

You know what they say:  Where there's smoke there's fire

It appears as though Roberto Alomar, celebrated Major League second baseman and soon to be Hall of Famer, is running out of chances to disprove the allegations of his ex-wife, who claimed he knowingly had the HIV virus when he had unprotected sex with her.  It is now being reported that Alomar's current wife, Maria Del Pilar Rivera Alomar, has filed for divorce on the very same grounds;  alleging that her husband "knew prior to his first sexual contact with (her) that he was HIV-positive."  If these allegations are in fact correct, it would be a devastating result for all parties and a tragic fall from grace for Alomar - one of the greatest second basemen to ever play.  Unfortunately, Alomar may soon be added to the long list of professional athletes involved in unceremonious endings. 

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